Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cinco de Mayo

Creating cultural awareness in the classroom allows the child to gain profound knowledge and respect of the diverse cultures in our world. Creating this awareness expands on their realization, perception and knowledge of the world we live in. Maria Montessori brilliantly captures the role of play in children's cognitive development: "His intelligence no longer develops by existing: it needs a world of things which provide him with motives for his activity.  It has been called 'the blessed age of play'" (1967, p. 168). Promoting peace and culture through daily experiences and activities will guide them to understand and gain appreciation for the different cultures and ethnic backgrounds that surround us daily in our life. Creating this vital “peaceful” environment in our classroom form positive opinions about the various cultures and the people of the world.

We have a responsibility to make a conscious effort to model best teaching practices by instilling knowledge of all cultures to promote acceptance and tolerance for one another in our world. Beginning with early childhood students, The Innovative School creates cultural awareness in the classroom through a collection of integrated studies around the classroom; as well as the development of peacemaking skills and activities. This permits students to study the history of humanity, the beliefs and traditions of our diverse world, and to learn about their place within our global society. All of these happenings are channeled by the Montessori classroom environment: respect of self, respect of others; respect of the environment; and responsibility for one's actions and words.
The Innovative School provides meaningful learning experiences that allows the student to be immersed in our world through the presentation of geographic materials and cultural studies. Globes and maps are studied, as are peoples, animals and plants of the world. These studies stimulate understanding and respect of different places, cultures, needs and beliefs, and are approached through art, music, history and science. Students in culturally rich Montessori classrooms indirectly view a global vision of peace. Most importantly, students learn their contribution to peace is crucial.

Students at The Innovative School
enjoy watching a traditional Mexican
dance performance.
Faculty and students at The Innovative
School listen to a live Mariachi band!  
Cinco de Mayo
Cinco de Mayo marks the victory of the Mexican Army over the French at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. Although the Mexican army was eventually defeated, the "La Batalla de Puebla" came to represent a symbol of Mexican pride, unity and patriotism. In the United States, Cinco de Mayo is a day to celebrate family, culture and the experiences of Americans of Mexican ancestry by having parades, music, dancing and other types of festive activities.

Introduce the rich cultural traditions of Mexico to your children.  Make and break a pinata, wear a traditional Mexican costume and sombrero, play with maracas, and listen and dance to festive Mexican music to celebrate!