Dr. Maria Montessori was a scientist and a medical doctor. Through her study, she created her first “prepared environment” by observing the needs of her children. As parents, we must observe our children to create a proper home environment that is responsive to their needs of development.
One of the fundamental roles of a Montessori teacher is for him/her to create a prepared environment that allows children to be independent and successful. The environment is simple, beautiful and ordered. Children need this order. The child looks to us to help him/her understand the real world, therefore we emphasize reality. Because Montessori emphasizes on reality-based hands-on learning, Montessori classrooms are arranged with child-size furniture, open spaces to invite movement and exploration and Montessori materials available on shelves. “Prepared” environments allow the teacher to spend each day giving meaningful presentations or demonstrations of various academic and or life skills activities. This allows children to develop self-control, the love of learning and an internal set of guidelines that become part of their life-long personalities.
Preparing the Home Environment
Organizing the Home Environment
The environment is extremely important at any level of the development of the child. To show respect for the developing sense of beauty, to aid the growing independence, and to inspire the child to activity, choose the best of everything for the environment. Children at this age often prefer to work on the floor on rugs instead of a table. Rugs mark the workspace just as would a table. In the classroom, we use simple light colors and shades, plain in design so that the child can focus on his work.
In the classroom, materials are attractively arranged on shelves according to subject – language, math, sensorial, practical life, cultural, music and art. Each piece of material has a special permanent place so that children know where to find it and where to put it away for the next person when finished. Materials are arranged from the most simple to the more complex. At home rather than keeping things in large toy chests or boxes, use trays and baskets for most things. The child’s work can be sorted on shelves, into various categories; blocks, various mixed toys, puzzles, art materials, kitchen tools, etc. This makes finding and putting materials away easier and enjoyable.
The Kitchen
food. A two-step stool will allow the child to reach the sink and counter. At approximately 18 months of age, begin showing children simple food preparation skills: slicing bananas and cheese, spreading peanut butter. Choose tools that are safe and child-sized for both cooking and cleaning, and then carefully demonstrate their use. In the refrigerator, use the bottom shelf to store fruits and snacks. Also provide a small pitcher with juice or water so the child can pour their own drink. In the pantry set aside the lower shelves for the children. At the very bottom, juice boxes, applesauce in cups, and raisin boxes can be neatly arranged in small baskets. A shelf higher can be used for crackers, dried fruit, cereal‚ neatly arranged in clear canisters with easy open lids. Your child should be free to wander in at any time, and choose a snack or juice from the shelves. When the child states they are hungry you can simply reply: "Please fix yourself a snack from the pantry." Also arrange in the pantry: napkins folded in a box, paper towels separated and stacked for easy clean up, child-size aprons on low hooks, and a small dust pan and hand broom for clean up. Children should be responsible to set their own table, clear the table, pushing in their chair and finally rinsing the dishes. Children enjoy sweeping, mopping, scrubbing, and polishing. These activities give a child the opportunity to be responsible and contribute to family life.
The Bathroom
The Play Area
The Bedroom
From age two months to two years, we provide a low bed or mattress on the floor. This allows movement and independence, and the room must be safe. Low drawers and a low closet rod allow the child to choose and put away clothing. Provide a low shelf for a small number of quiet toys and books. The bedroom should be decorated in a restful, rather than stimulating tone.
Take your child outdoors every day. Go for walks at his/her pace, explore, notice the natural world. Play in sand and water; find hills and equipment to climb. As indoors, allow your child to help with work - raking, digging, shoveling snow. Introduce the miracle of gardening.
Developmental Chart for Home Tasks and Chores
Empower your child to becoming as independent as they can in their natural environment. Please see the compiled list of age appropriate tasks that you can expect your child to participate in as they grow into self-reliant and independent young people.
13 Months: Imitates housework
18 Months: Picks up toys and puts them away with parental reminders and initial assistance
2 Years: Copies parents domestic activities
3 Years: Carries things without dropping them, dusts, dries dishes, gardens, setting table, puts toys away and wipes spills.
4 Years: Prepares dry cereal and snacks, sorts laundry, feeding birds and pets, loading and unloading dishwasher, watering plants
5 Years: Puts things away neatly, makes a sandwich, takes out trash, picks up mail, makes the bed, puts clothes away and answers the phone correctly
6 Years: Does simple errands, does house chores without redoing them, cleans sink, washes dishes, cooks simple meals, hangs up clothes, car washing - have bucket, soap, etc. in certain place, weeding, taking out trash
Your child needs to be a contributor in the family and feel his contribution is important!