Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Let's Move

As caregivers, proper child nutrition is our responsibility. Proper nutrition from the start gives children the tools they need in order to maximize their potential in every area of life: (holistic development) academically, emotionally, socially, and in sport, etc. In addition, exercise, good nutrition and a healthy eating pattern in early life will help your child develop good dietary habits later.

A young child's eating plan should consist mostly of healthy foods, such as lean meats, poultry, seafood, eggs, and legumes; whole grains, such as whole-wheat bread and cereals; at least two servings of dairy foods daily; and fresh or lightly processed fruits and vegetables.

Studies show that children adopt their parents' eating and exercise habits starting early in life. Don't expect your child to "move" or "eat" better than you do. Children love to imitate, in the Montessori classroom, teachers model the exact behavior, attitude or activity they want students to do. Model the appropriate behaviors and you will notice that they will mimic your exercise and eating habits. Capitalize on your child's natural curiosity by substituting healthier foods at meal time.

As part of Michelle Obama's "Let's move" initiative to get kids of all ages in better shape through fun activities, she led by example this past Tuesday May 3, 2011 by dancing with a field full of students in the nation's capital. Beyonce joined the movement by creating a child-friendly track for the First Lady's campaign. She released a video "Move Your Body" in which she moves like an aerobics instructor.

Ensuring that your child's nutrition and health is incorporated with a well balanced healthy diet and exercise will help them stay healthy for life. Let's Move!